

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

So How Bout Dem Gators! A tribute to the Florida Gators for they made me so proud to be a Floridianoit



In dedication to their victory I have compiled a remix of some jams that I got off freesound. I mixed in some flavors and I felt it tasted a little New Orleansy. Together they bring a taste I call jumbalaya. The first bite will have a good taste but it is not untill you mix the others is when the jumbalaya kicks in.The Celebration of a dynasty

Adding a touch of New Orleans...A taste of some jumbelayaLike the food jumbelaya....these beats are awarding tastes from different masterpeices....Try some and mix it up!!!


And here we added some natural flavors....The natural sound of the waves from an ocean to give the sound of drums being beaten ever so fast. Add some of this!

 The natural flavor of waves


i like the waves it sounds like a crazy drum




 Convo with Trey Conner on what choices I could have made and how exactly I cam up with my jumbalaya music campain







Darfur Zine


Alright so those where some sound waves I put together. I would say I am a rookie at puting together sound waves or doing anything with sound.What I am good at is narrative stories. I have been telling narrative stories all my life I think you will like this one. It is called

 The General






Real time writing in expanding our understanding of genocide the word and the tragedy it has plagued on human lives.



Evaluation Argument:

1. The movie Hustle and Flow which is the best defininition of how to make a song.Check out how I came to love this movie

2. The mess along with "98 bottles of beer the wall", here is the synopsis

3. We have to give it up to the movie "Picture Perfect" when we are talking about photography. link

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