
Blog4 (HomeworkNumberOne)

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago

This one will require more work than my brain can provide at 11 oclock at night, when my jet fuel indicator is on E. I'll figure this licensing stuff out in the morning.


However, I don't really mind people using my work. Plagerism is plagerism. As long as they don't do that.. I'm content. I think (for me, personally) it would kind of flattering if someone cited my work, since I don't really write much. I mean, I enjoy writing.. it's just that most of my writing isn't very thought provoking or insightful. Unless, of course, you get me on a topic that I feel very strongly about. There are many of those! For example, not to be a pain in the ass or anything, but to go completely off topic.. I would just like to say that THERE IS A SERIOUS NEED FOR A PLAY-OFF SYSTEM IN COLLEGE FOOTBALL!




Ok, morning all! Here I am with my new and improved Blog Numero Quatro.. and here's my licensing..


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 License.