
Free Sound Classical Farts

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 10 months ago

Fart 1


Fart 2



Today I journeyed into the land of free sound. This journey became very trying on my patience very quick. I downloaded firefox and it seemed to be working find but would not allow me to play the music on the free sound web site. However my date Aol browser did, but would not give me the ability to tab in and out of pages like firefox would and this soon became a major concern. I was not able to play both of these sound clips at the same time but in my mind I thought they would probably sound rather funny. My taste needs a little refining I know. I love Bach and have enjoyed listening to classical music for quite some time. Likewise I also enjoy a little flatulence from time to time to lighten the mood and bring a small amount of relief to my body. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed thinking up this monstrosity.


P.S. I have not yet mastered the wiki world in order to make these web addresses links but they are coming soon.


I though this would go good with your Freesounding farts check it out Ben Jackson

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