

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Well, let's see where to begin. I'm still getting the hang of this. It's all a little overwhelming! I guess this is my homework part. I'm going to use John Monroe for this part, because I spent the most time with him on the first day of class. (Sorry guy that I interviewed from my Calc class last semester!) Anyway, so John took the initiative of pulling me under his wing, much to my appreciation! He took this class before and is INCREDIBLY saavy *(sp?) just like Emery, to the nooks and crannies of this operation. Both gentlemen proved to be VERY helpful in the translation of this whole process. I spoke with John mainly about grasping the whole concept of this class, and the freedoms and abilities we are awarded through such a free spirited professor. Thanks for that Trey! John is a LOT more advanced in this than I think I will ever be, but with him on my side, I think that I will prevail in this class. Within about 10 minutes he had walked me through the "decoration" process of my page (still under construction) and I had font, color, size and pictures all under control.


For the record, I'm one of those last minute bloggers, I guess we're now called. So I apologize for being a procrastinator, I'm really in the process of improving that flaw.

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