

Today, let's consider this major premise: the spaces between our words, sentences, paragraphs, and ideas are driving force behind the composition process. When writing a research paper, telling a story, or simply recording our thoughts, it's often worthwhile to leave a space between two ideas, so they have room to breath. You may or may not fill that space later. Sometimes it's not necessary to do so -- the audience fills the gutter with its collective imagination. Other times, it's downright crucial to make connections explicit for your readers. So, what do we make of these gaps, these gutters? To be sure, all writing is punctuated by stops, gaps, caesuras, and ellipses...successful composition (exposition) hinges on our ability to identify these gaps and recognize which need to be filled and which don't.


Various circumstances lead to holes, gaps and gutters. In our first exercise -- the classmate interview -- where did we leave gaps and why? Are these holes problematic, or are they simply gutters, to be filled (or not) later? Let's take a look at a few blogs:




Ben interviews Farrah


Farrah interviews Ben


John interviews Damien


Ninja interviews Ted


Austin interviews D.J.


Regina interviews Kate


The Fundamentals of Dialogue




Zyprexa Kills EFF defends pbwiki, 1st amendment rights










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